
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Podcast: Bridget Leggy Tanner on writing a poem a day for NaPoWriMo

Bridget Leggy Tanner talks about writing a poem a day for National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) with the help of my book: Poetry Non-stop. Bridget's commitment and willingness to try writing about anything generated an impressive collection of poems about everything from rabbits to slot machines. She shares some of her poems and after a month of taking prompts from me, she challenges me to write a 'fit' poem. The prompt is open to all as always and I encourage you to submit your poems as comments below or by email. You can also hear my response to Clive Oseman's 'Family' prompt from the last podcast.

Here's another of Bridget's poems written from the prompt super hero or heroine. I'd like to see what Marvel would make of this creation!

Wheelie woman in her wheelchair
Appears before you from anywhere
Understands and empathises
She does really care
If you cross her, beware of her stare
She immobilises ‘baddies’ with a glare
Circles them in her wheelchair
Which has secret powers
So you had better beware!
Of the Steely Wheelie Woman
In her wheelchair

For more tips on writing new poems every day read this article or buy the book: