
Friday, March 13, 2015

Show: 30.04.08 with Melanie Challenger

A show with poetry old and new. Melanie Challenger talks about her experiences in the Antarctic and shares some poems while Nick Stibbs talks about the life and work of Rumi. 

Captain Beefheart and the magic band - ElectricityThe Rude mechanicals - Beefheart's Greenhouse 
Amena Khan - Technicolour 
Aidan Smith - Morning was Your Picnic
Melt-Banana - Chain-shot to have some fun
Public Enemy - Bring the Noise
Lou Reed - Vicious
Ivor Cutler - A Bubble Or Two
Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy
Moth Conspiracy - Dracula
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Behind the Mask
The Trench Parrots - My Ex-Girlfriend Walks In
Toma - Lost In The Night
Baby Shambles - Stone Me - What A Life!
Portico Quartet - news from verona
Nick and Cherif - Rumi
Aidan Smith - Lament of a Victorian Prostitute, London 1865
Kazoo Funk Orchestra - Walking Into Lamp posts
Clare Crossman - Fenlight
Belle and Sebastian - Space boy Dream
The Nice - Rondo (69)
Wynton Marsalis - You and Me
Anne Berkeley with Martin Figura - How we learnt to tie a piece of string from the rafter
The Sparkiovoggel - Y'ar what Y'ar
Mr Maps - Life Like Little Soldiers
Muxu - Hishiko